Volunteer Spotlight, North Atlantic Right Whale Survey Members

Four North Atlantic Right Whale Survey Members standing on the boardwalk smiling for the picture

North Atlantic Right Whale Survey Members

North Peninsula State Park 

Right Whale Survey Members are part of a network that aids in monitoring and conservation of North Atlantic Right Whales and their habitat in Florida coastal waters. Each year from December through March, right whales migrate to our area to give birth and nurse their calves in warm waters before returning north to feeding grounds off the coasts of New England and Canada. 

From the beach overlook at Gamble Rogers Memorial State Recreation Area and North Peninsula State Park, volunteers search for and sight right whales, assist with data recording and photography, document potential human impacts, help inform and educate the public, and provide stewardship for whales and their habitat. 

You can stay apprised of the happenings with Marineland Right Whale Project through their blog.

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