Civilian Conservation Corps Museum

A view of the outside of the ccc museum.
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Highlands Hammock State Park is home to the state of Florida’s Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Museum.  The park is one of eight original parks built by the CCC in Florida and one of several hundred nationwide that were constructed or improved upon by the CCC.

Launched in 1933 as part of President Roosevelt’s “New Deal” building programs during the Great Depression, the CCC employed hundreds of thousands of young men to shape the landscape. The program provided the opportunity for work during a time when there was none. The workers built parks, planted trees, and restored forests. The museum, which was established in 1994, is housed in a building constructed by the CCC.

Museum docents conduct tours where visitors can learn about the CCC and the history of the park through interactive exhibits. Documentary films featuring the oral histories of former ‘CCC Boys’ may be viewed on the museum stage. Children may learn about the CCC and the Great Depression through a CCC History Detective Scavenger Hunt. 

Museum volunteers bring the Great Depression and the CCC to life by connecting visitors to those "another day, another dollar" times and showing how much the CCC has impacted the development of Florida’s parks.


  • Free with park entry.


  • Generally open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Hours may vary during the summer and on holidays. Please contact the park for more information.


  • For more information about the museum, please contact the park at 863-386-6094.
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