Heather Shuke-Nelson

Headshot of Heather Shuke-Nelson

Interpretive Services Team Manager and former Girl Scout, Heather Shuke-Nelson, works at the Central Office in Tallahassee, Florida.

What inspired you to work in the parks and recreation field?

My family did a lot of camping when I was growing up which sparked my curiosity of and appreciation for parks and the outdoors.  After fueling this interest with ecology and biology classes in college, I discovered a job helping people connect with these special places would not only be fun and rewarding for me, but give me the chance to make a difference for others.

Describe your job in the Florida Park Service. What are the favorite parts of your job?

I work in our central office and manage the Interpretive Services team which develops tools and resources for staff and volunteers statewide to lead visitor experiences such as guided walks, talks and tours. We also develop self-guided opportunities for visitors to connect to the stories of each park through website content, videos, brochures, park signage and exhibits. I love how creative we can be and the challenge of speaking for the resources of each unique park.

How did your participation in Girl Scouts prepare you for your career?

Being a Girl Scout gave me the chance to explore and strengthen my interests and skills. I feel my focus on service, teamwork and leadership are rooted in my scouting experiences. And after earning all of those badges, who knew I’d get to use that experience to create our badge-like Junior Ranger and Virtual Junior Ranger programs?

What advice would you offer to young women who want to pursue a career in parks and recreation?

There are many hidden aspects of parks and recreation. If you could be interested in this as a career path, start by being curious and exploring all the options. Learn more about what different types of parks and recreation programs offer and see how each fits with your passion(s) and skills. You can do this by asking questions, finding a mentor to shadow or becoming a volunteer. It may take testing the waters to find out what is a perfect fit for you.