Diana Stinson

Diana Stinson

Park services specialist and former Girl Scout, Diana Stinson, works at Oscar Scherer State Park in Osprey, Florida.

What inspired you to work in the parks and recreation field?

My love for the outdoors and wanting to make a difference in the environment to help preserve and protect resources that are vital to so many forms of life in various ways. Being able to share what I learn with others and help make their experience more enjoyable.

Describe your job in the Florida Park Service. What are the favorite parts of your job?   

I started in AmeriCorps. After finishing a two-year commitment, I became a park ranger in 2006. I love being with people and sharing my work world with them. Two years ago, I became the park services specialist. I manage and coordinate volunteers, park events and programs. I really enjoy organizing.

How did your participation in Girl Scouts prepare you for your career? 

Girls Scouts showed me potential to succeed. I learned to set a goal and find ways to obtain that. I started collecting postcards and received the collector's badge. I now have thousands of postcards from all over the world. I set a goal to visit all 50 states. I have three left.

What advice would you offer to young women who want to pursue a career in parks and recreation?   

Anything is possible. Find skills that you can learn along the way that will help you to achieve and excel. Visit parks, talk to staff, shadow rangers or do an interview with a ranger. Learn as much as you can about the environment and how you want to protect it.