2020 Lifesaver Award

Steve Cutshaw

Steve Cutshaw

2020 Lifesaver Award

Steve Cutshaw is the chief of the Office of Park Planning and a volunteer firefighter. On Sept. 11, 2020, while working from home and off duty as a volunteer firefighter, Steve heard a call come over the radio regarding a woman in distress at a location near his home.

Steve quickly stepped away from his office duties to render aid. Upon arriving at the scene, Steve encountered his son, a Liberty County deputy, already performing chest compressions. He joined his son and assisted performing chest compressions until an ambulance arrived. Steve continued chest compressions once in the ambulance until it departed the scene.

The individual, a 61-year-old, had no vital signs when chest compressions was started. The individual survived for a few days in the hospital before suffering another heart attack and passing away. Those few days allowed her family time to gather and say goodbye.

The Lifesaver Award is awarded to an employee or volunteer for saving the life of another person.

2020 Florida State Parks Division Award Winners