Volunteer Spotlight, Linda Eldridge

image of linda eldridge, volunteer at manatee springs state park, in the ranger station.

Linda Eldridge

Manatee Springs State Park

Linda Eldridge was born and raised in the cold of Massachusetts, so it wasn’t long before she was dreaming of warmer weather and the nature of a different place. Eventually she and her husband would move to Florida for the days of sun and splendid ecosystems. Linda has always fostered a love of the outdoors, from her childhood in the northeast to now. She enjoys hiking, walking her dog and fishing whenever she can, and letting her senses appreciate the world around her, smelling the fresh air and listening to the sounds of nature when she is outside.

After arriving in the sunshine state, Linda decided that she wanted to volunteer with Florida State Parks out of a desire to give back to the beautiful places that she enjoyed so much, as well as to meet new people. She particularly enjoys educating visitors on everything to do with  Manatee Springs State Park, and getting to talk to people from all over the world. Her personal favorite area of the park is the North End Trail system, where she can see lots of different wildlife like birds, deer and the reptile species that live here. Spring is her favorite time of year, when most of the animals are giving birth and the trees are putting out new leaves - all evidence of new life in the park.

All of these things make Manatee Springs State Park special to Linda, in addition to the “great group of rangers and staff that work here”, the events like Clay Landing Days, and the springs that have attracted people to this place for decades. She encourages you to come and see for yourself what she means, and find out if Manatee Springs State Park will become your new home too.

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