Volunteer Spotlight, Dorothy Stevens

Dorothy Stevens, smiling at the camera, wearing her volunteer uniform.

Dorothy Stevens

Honeymoon Island State Park

Dorothy Stevens came to Florida from western Pennsylvania. Seeking a warmer climate, she and her husband moved to the area and eventually found themselves as volunteers at Honeymoon Island State Park. Reminiscent of her days as a child playing outside, Honeymoon Island seemed to be a perfect mini paradise to work and play.

Initially, Dorothy was drawn to Honeymoon Island because it was located conveniently close to her home. But after seeing the natural beauty of the park and being inspired by the dedicated staff, Dorothy couldn’t help but come back. As a volunteer, you can most often find Dorothy in the tollbooth, greeting visitors with a huge smile as they enter the park. She loves meeting all the interesting new people and hearing their stories about visiting the park. Dorothy is also an involved member of the Friends of the Island Parks and makes sure to attend all their events. Some of her favorites are Island Earth Day and the Bluegrass Festival.

Dorothy’s favorite thing about Honeymoon Island is the expansive beaches and the abundance of shells. Her favorite time of the year is the fall because of the cooler temperatures and the relaxed pace during that time of the year. She hopes to be a volunteer for as long as she can, helping to develop programs and host events at the park. Dorothy feels a spiritual appreciation for the vastness, orderliness, and beauty of the earth and all its creatures and hopes that everyone comes to love the park as much as she does.

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