Volunteer Spotlight, Chris Bertram

Chris Bertram, standing by a tree in during sunset, smiling at the camera.

Chris Bertram

Highlands Hammock State Park

Park volunteers like Chris Bertram are a privilege and a pleasure to have at Highlands Hammock State Park. Chris has a cheerful and willing spirit with which he tackles any challenge that arises. Among his various strengths, he has a knack for resource management. Most often you can find Chris in a tractor helping with various land management projects, plowing fire lines and prepping for prescribed burns. Additionally, a knowledgeable mechanic, Chris assists with the park’s vehicle maintenance.

Park managers were very grateful to Chris for his assistance following a prescribed fire that continued smoldering after the session was finished. The smoke created serious visibility issues on a major road near the park. For an entire week, Chris arrived before the sun rose to assist Florida Highway Patrol in ensuring that everyone remained safe while traveling on the road. In addition, he even drove one of the park’s fire trucks to provide water for controlling the fire. Chris enjoys being “as busy as he can” and is always looking for new opportunities to help. Each week he dedicates over 20 hours of his time to ensuring that the park operates smoothly. Chris, with his knowledge, skills and can-do attitude is a vital member of the team at Highlands Hammock State Park.

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