Volunteer Spotlight, Art and Mary Dodd

Mary, smiling at the camera in her volunteer uniform.
Art Dodd, showing some fossils to a group of people.

Art and Mary Dodd

Jonathan Dickinson State Park

Art and Mary Dodd have dedicated nearly ten years and countless hours volunteering in the Kimbell Education and Visitor Center at Jonathan Dickinson State Park. It almost seems that they’ve done it all during their time here - from leading interpretive programs to assisting with prescribed burning.

Both retired engineers, Art and Mary enjoy being outdoors whether it be hiking, sailing or just simply spending time with nature. After a visit to the park in 2009 they noticed there were opportunities to help in the park, and since they are locals in the area, Jonathan Dickinson State Park seemed to be the right fit. Mary enjoys preparing weekly flyers and announcements for the park as well as meeting and helping visitors that come into the center. Art is our “resident” engineer, and he can always find a way to make something work or fix the unfixable.

Of all the ways in which these two help, they are key figures in our educational and interpretive programs. Art and Mary have an ongoing commitment to the school children that visit the park and have led innumerable programs in the last ten years as well as assisted with the many components of our annual Fire Fest event. They come back week after week always ready for the new and ever-changing adventure of the day. But most of all they do all this because they have fun and enjoy being at the park.

When they’re not in the education center you can find them leading our Friday afternoon hike or simply enjoying the beauty the park has to offer.