Staff Spotlight, Carlos Rosado

a man in park service uniform works on a red machine.

Park Services Specialist, Carlos Rosado

Mike Roess Gold Head Branch State Park

Carlos Rosado is a master mechanic. He was born and raised in Puerto Rico and came to the United States at the age of 18. He learned his trade (and the English language) on the streets of various places in the U.S., coming to Keystone Heights, Florida in 1992.  Carlos once owned his own mechanic shop in Keystone, and is known by just about everyone in the small town.

Over the years he developed a good working relationship with the staff of Mike Roess Gold Head Branch State Park working on their equipment. Occasionally he would even come to the park to help campers who had locked themselves out of their car, eventually bringing him to work here. Carlos has a great love for the outdoors, hunting, fishing and just being outside, saying often that “the indoors is for sleeping.”

Carlos often finds himself back in the park outside of work for it's sheer peace and quiet, as well as the chance of seeing deer and fox squirrels. He enjoys the challenge of a difficult job, and relishes looking back at achieving the impossible in a project. Carlos is an invaluable part of the staff, and inspires others with his hard work and ingenious solutions. He is the type of resourceful person you want in your corner, and Mike Roess Gold Head Branch State Park is grateful to have him.