Staff Spotlight, Amber Hatcher

Amber Hatcher Staff Spotlight

Park Services Specialist, Amber Hatcher

Silver Springs State Park

Born in Ocala, Florida, Amber has major roots here. One of eight siblings, she was always busy with sports as a child and then "On The Job Training"  while in high school.

She says this helped her a great deal when she joined former Silver River State Park as an OPS until 2013 when she promoted to ranger with the new Silver Springs State Park. Daniel Willis promoted Amber yet again in 2017.

Her quick promotions speak to her drive and abilities. She is sharp-witted and fun to work with. Amber likes to share the peacefulness of the trails and river with those she meets. She loves the variety that this type of job offers and the new learning experiences it brings. “It feels like home, I have been coming here since I was a kid.”

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