Kathleen Kelly

Kathleen Kelly served in the US Army.

Kathleen Kelly works in the office at Weeki Wachee Springs State Park.

In which branch of the armed forces did you serve?

U.S. Army.

Briefly describe your job in the military. Include the number of years you served. 

Radio operator, then changed to computer operator. I served seven years of active duty.

Which bureau, office, park or trail do you work for now?

Weeki Wachee Springs State Park.

Describe your job in the park service? What are your favorite parts of your job?

Government operations consultant. I provide administrative support to all park staff, manage the OPS salary and benefit budgets. My favorite parts of this job are my interactions with the park staff, providing them support and assistance. I also enjoy working with our volunteers.

How did your service in the military prepare you for working for the Florida Park Service?

At one duty station I held the position of the battalion headquarters office manager, where I managed the records and classified access for the entire battalion and provided support to the battalion commander. That experience helped prepare me for my responsibilities here at Weeki Wachee Springs.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to pursue a career in the Florida Park Service?

I would suggest becoming a volunteer to get a feel for how the park runs, the daily activities expected to be performed and to understand the responsibilities of the diverse roles of the staff.