Staff Spotlight, Mike Monroe

Mike Monroe stands in front of park vegetation

Mike Monroe, Visitor Services Specialist

Gamble Rogers Memorial State Recreation Area at Flagler Beach

Mike grew up in small town Indiana – yes, he went to school with John Mellencamp – dreaming of becoming a basketball player, until he stopped growing taller. He loved the family summer trips to Florida to visit relatives and spend time at the beach. After the Air Force and college, Mike found his way to a job in Florida and has been here ever since – over 30 years.

When he retired, Mike moved closer to the ocean and is now able to enjoy the beach whenever he wants. He especially loves walking the beach, seeing and learning about the beaches and animal life. His favorites are the sea turtles.

Working at Gamble Rogers gives Mike the opportunity to interact with people and help them love the beach and ocean as much as he does. He loves welcoming people to the park and helping them have as much fun at the park as he does.

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