Manager's Message

Manager's Message Eden Gardens State Park

Wesley Myers, Park Manager

The staff and volunteers at Eden Gardens State Park invite everyone to enjoy our beautiful park. Stop in for a picnic along Tucker Bayou, my favorite area of the park, or stroll down our nature trail and enjoy the beautiful gardens. Tours of the Wesley House are offered Thursday through Monday, 10 3 p.m., every hour on the hour. The Wesley House is closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

If you want more of Eden Gardens, get involved and become a volunteer! The volunteers meet every Tuesday around 9 a.m. near the rose garden. If you'd like to join this fun, hard-working group, pick up a volunteer application at the park office. For information on how to join the park citizen support organization, visit Friends of Eden Gardens.

Interested in having a wedding at Eden Gardens? The pavilion and designated areas of the grounds are available for rental. For details, please call 850-267-8320 from Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. CT. If you do call at another time, please leave a message for our wedding reservation specialist. All calls are returned in the order that they are received.

We look forward to your visit! Please come out and enjoy the Real Florida.