Volunteer Spotlight

Steve Uglinica launches a kayak at Oscar Scherer State Park.

Steve Uglinica

Citizen Support Organization Award for Resource-Based Recreation

Steve Uglinica has volunteered at Oscar Scherer State Park since 2011, and he has contributed more than 2,600 hours of service. Originally, Steve started as a campground host. After a while, he purchased a house next to the park. He serves on the board of directors for the park’s citizen support organization, Friends of Oscar Scherer State Park.

Steve enjoys the opportunity to talk with folks while providing great recreational programming in the park. He facilitates three different recreation programs at the park:

  • Friday guided hike and bike.
  • Wednesday guided canoe or kayak tour.
  • Saturday night paddles.

Steve is a true park ambassador. He shares all the great things the park has to offer with everyone he meets. Steve is an active member in the community and represents the friends group with various organizations such as Friends of the Legacy Trail, the Venice and Osprey chambers of commerce, and the Sorrento Homeowners Association. Steve’s contacts have provided great opportunities for partnerships within the community.

2020 Florida State Parks Volunteer Recognition Award Winner

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