Stephanie York, Girl Scouts Love State Parks

Stephanie York

Park services specialist and former Girl Scout Stephanie York works at Gamble Rogers Memorial State Recreation Area at Flagler Beach.

What inspired you to work in the parks and recreation field?

I spent my career working in administrative roles inside an office. When the opportunity arose to work at my local state park, I saw it as a chance to meld my admin/customer service skills with my love of the outdoors.

Describe your job in the Florida Park Service. What are the favorite parts of your job?   

Recently, I was promoted to a park services specialist after working as a toll collector for four years. My favorite parts of the job are interacting with park visitors and sharing with them the amazing natural resources our park offers.

How did your participation in Girl Scouts prepare you for your career? 

My mother was my Girl Scout leader, and her love of nature and the outdoors was, and continues to be, a major influence in my life and career.

My first camping experience was as a Girl Scout at Camp Seikooc (cookies spelled backwards) in Andover, Kansas.

What advice would you offer to young women who want to pursue a career in parks and recreation? 

The career opportunities in parks and recreation are endless and support a variety of skill sets.

My advice is to believe in yourself and believe that what you do matters to the environment and the experience of all who seek the pleasure of being outdoors.