Michael Moreno

Michael Moreno selfie portrait

At Sebastian Inlet State Park, Michael Moreno operates the ranger station, one of the most important roles for setting the tone of a visitor's experience.

The mission of the Florida Park Service is "to provide resource-based recreation while preserving, interpreting, and restoring natural and cultural resources." What role do you play in this mission?

I have one of the most interesting positions in the Florida Park Service (FPS). As a senior clerk at Sebastian Inlet State Park, I am the first impression park visitors receive when they visit our park. This position meets and greets visitors right at the entrance of the park and supports the first part of the Florida Park Service mission. I interpret what the park has to offer, collect the park entrance fee, register our campers and provide any information visitors are seeking.

How does your heritage influence your experience in the outdoors?

Coming from a Puerto Rican heritage has taught me to have a strong passion for natural resources. Because of my heritage, I have strong ties to the Caribbean resources such as caring for livestock, growing fruits and vegetables such as yuca and gandules. My Puerto Rican heritage has always taught me to work hard and provide for the family needs.

Knowing how my ancestors have considered work an asset, and the importance to learn about natural resources has given me the opportunity to relate my family values with the FPS.

Any advice for Latinos who are interested in a career in conservation or recreation?

I was a park ranger for 25 years, which was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I have now been a senior for five years. There are no words to describe this career; working for the Florida Park Service has been important for me. My children have grown up learning about the natural and cultural resources of Florida and have a special place for state parks in their hearts. I have been able to share my passion for the outdoors to my daughter who now works for the park service, and my son is an avid angler in the community.

I have had the opportunity to work for 30 years in a place on the Atlantic Ocean that I love. I have learned so much from this career that I can now share these experiences with everyone I meet.